Copper Mountain Ski Camp

The ski season is already going least it is at 10,000 feet elevation in the Colorado Mountains.  I just returned from a week at Copper Mountain supporting our local ski team and working on my action photo-taking skills, as well as shooting videos for the athletes and coaches.  Everyone was able to get their groove back after months off the snow, and we were especially lucky to have some spectacular Westminster College athletes with us.


Here's a video I made for the ski team's annual banquet and fundraiser being held this weekend.


I don't claim to be a photographer of any caliber at all (it would be a discredit to all the skilled photographers out there if I did), but I do enjoy tinkering around in Photoshop trying to make average photos look their best.  Here's one from a recent dance performance and another of the local mountains.

Park City Nordic Ski Club

For this promotional video I was faced with the dilemma of not having a lot of video footage and a limited amount of photos to work with to make the video.  I did have the interviews I'd shot, but the limited amount of video led me to create a more kinematic graphic flow for the video.  The interviews were edited in Premiere Pro, but the bulk of the project was completed in After Effects using a virtual camera and many null objects to move all the frames around the screen.

Special Olympics PSA

I just completed the first of two videos for the Utah Special Olympics.  I'm especially happy with the combination of beautiful music, compelling imagery of the amazing athletes, and the voice over by a teenager.  I wanted to create an emotional, subjective piece that aimed for a visceral reaction from the viewer.  The CEO and her staff at the Utah Special Olympics were emotionally moved by the video, which was my intent -- I hope we can do the same with the next video.

Professional Ski Instructors of America

We shot the footage over a year ago, but it looks like we'll soon be finishing up six training videos for the Intermountain Division of the Professional Ski Instructors of America (PSIA-I).​  I love skiing, so it's great to work with such high level instructors, and I enjoyed the chance to learn more about the fundamental movements of skiing.  The videos will hopefully aid ski instructors become better skiers and instructors for their clients.  Here's one of the six videos.

G-Force Bobsled+Skeleton

I just finished a video for the G-Force Bobsled and Skeleton program in Park City, Utah.  The short video features olympic medalists Shauna Rohbock and Valerie Fleming speaking about the program that's designed to train the next generation of Olympic hopefuls.​  Check out this and other programs offered at the Utah Olympic Park.


Getting kids out into the mountains and onto skis?  Sounds like a good cause to me.  That's what the (S)heJumps into the Canyon program is all about.   Over four weekends in March, volunteers teach kids from local Boys and Girls clubs how to ski on the slopes of Alta Ski area.  Here's a video we put together to highlight the program and hopefully get other folks to get similar programs started across the country, the continent, and the world.  SheJumps is a non-profit started by Claire Smallwood (skiing evangelist / sous chef), Vanessa Pierce (RAMP Sports Communications director), and Lynsey Dyer (big mtn pro skier).

Snowbasin Ski School Video

Okay, I must admit my wife talked me into this one, but how can I say "no" to such a pretty smile.  Her fellow ski instructors were looking to make an instructional video, so before I knew it I was volunteered, scheduled, and shooting a quick video about...hold on for this...loading and unloading a chair lift with students.  Not earth shattering content, but still fun all the same.  I can never complain about spending a blue bird day on the snow with my wife and the wonderful people at Snowbasin. 

Rocky Mountain Choreography Festival 2013

Recently, I was able to video some amazing dancers at the Rocky Mountain Choreography Festival.  Everyone's performances were outstanding, and Carrie Lee Miles' Delirium took the Audience Choice Award while Hazel Clarke'​s Calvary took the Overall Winner Award for the Festival.  Congratulations to them both, as well as all the skilled choreographers and dancers.

Ogden City Schools "Ski Day" Program

Believe it or not, but a majority of kids who live in the shadow of the Wasatch Range don't get into the mountains to ski or snowboard.  Ogden City, Wolf Mountain Resort, and the Ogden Valley Winter Sports Foundation are looking to change that by starting a program that allows kids to come up and ski or snowboard a day for free.  Sponsored by local businesses and non-profits, this program hopes to foster the enthusiasm for a new generation of people who love snow sports.

Virgin River, Arizona

On a recent trip to Nevada, I spent a couple hours wandering and exploring along the Virgin River in the NW corner of Arizona.  I put the footage together into this video featuring the wonderful voice of Tom O'Bedlam reading Ella Wheeler Wilcox's poem "Solitude."  It seemed to me to be a fitting compliment to the imagery of the desert.

Photoshop & SmugMug

Two great photographers, Adam Steidinger and Doug Ahmann, take amazing ski race photos which we then sell on SmugMug to raise money for the Ogden Valley Ski Team.  Besides managing the logistics, I also get the opportunity to design some posters to market the photos.  It's really win/win/win, since it's fun, I get to learn more aspects of Photoshop, and we're supporting a great cause.

Fun Skiing Vimeo Channel

Not only did we change the look of our website, but we also added a new Vimeo Channel which has all our fun videos of skiing.  Most aren't professional, but all of them are fun, so we needed a single place to keep them for easy viewing, so....we created the Fun Skiing Channel.  Good lines, fresh tracks, fun times...etc.  

Utah Film Commission

In December we created a thirty second commercial for the Utah Film Commission.  We're still working on the final music score, and when it's done the commercial will be used online to promote film making here in the great state of Utah.  We had various concepts for the ad, but in the end we chose to make the ad solely with motion graphics.

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